Have you ever wished that you could see what the future holds? (Who hasn’t?)
Now you can – well, when it comes to faucets, at least. As far-out as some of these futuristic faucets may seem, in just a few years they will be your average faucet (or maybe even antiquated in favor of new technology!).
Here’s your glimpse of the future, faucet-wise.
Let’s start with the simplest ones, faucets with luxury features that are starting to become more mainstream, like touch-sensitive hands-free technology:

Take it a step further with Toto EcoPower® self-powered sensors. These faucets’ sensors are powered by the water they use in an ingenious symbiotic relationship; the battery lasts an average of 19 years!

“Smart” faucets abound for kitchen and bath alike. Some allow for users to set personalized shower settings – temperature, flow rate, and spray options – for several people:

Others operate intuitively and wirelessly, with intelligent features such as automatic shut-off and eco-friendly flow settings:

Some “merely” feature lights corresponding to the water temperature so that you can know at a glance if the water’s too hot, too cold, or just right.

Moving into the kitchen, the features just get cooler. Literally. The Grohe Blue® faucet serves as a regular kitchen faucet as well as a filtered water dispenser in one unit with two internal waterways, eliminating the need for a separate fixture. If you really want an all-in-one faucet, one model actually dispenses chilled still, medium and sparkling water!

Can’t install a light over the kitchen sink? You’re not doomed to dirty dishes due to dim lighting.

And if you just want a funky yet functional faucet, this one is flexible and ergonomic (and its subtle LED dial changes color with water temperature changes, too):

What do you want your future faucet to feature?