It’s World Toilet Day once again! And before you start lamenting the fact that there’s a “holiday” for everything imaginable, take a moment to learn about World Toilet Day and the World Toilet Organization.
World Toilet Day was instituted in 2001 and recognized by the UN as a global day in 2013. The people behind the day created it to spread awareness of the dangerous lack of sanitary bathroom facilities around the world. There are 2.4 billion people who don’t have regular access to normal facilities; one billion of them have no access at all and must relieve themselves in the open, and millions of children worldwide die or suffer from the dearth of clean toilets.
The World Toilet Organization aims (no pun intended) to raise awareness of the unsafe conditions around the world and help improve the standard of living in impoverished countries.
We at Quality Bath are pleased to join the initiative and spread the word. Visit for information on how you can help.
In honor of the day, we’d like to share tenĀ of our favorite toilets. We love these for their shape, design, functionality, or interesting functions. Yes, you can have a favorite toilet; check these out and by the end of the post you’ll probably have a favorite too!

So… do you have a favorite?
Get out there and publicize your favorite to help raise awareness for the World Toilet Organization!