After a long, cold winter that had us all burrowing down in our homes, spring cleaning is an absolute must! It’s time to purge our homes of all the clutter that kept us cozy and to get our stuff in order for the summer. Crisp, clear spring days are perfect for throwing open the windows and throwing out the junk.
But how to store all of the things we’ve accumulated? Even if you have dedicated storage space, it can be hard to keep everything neat. Luckily, there are more clever storage solutions than ever before to keep your clutter in check. Here’s how you can keep every room and every closet in your home orderly and organized in every season:
Use vertical space. This one applies to virtually every part of the house. Make use of otherwise wasted space by installing over-the-door hangers and racks, floating shelves on walls, and storage containers on cabinet doors to exponentially increase your storage space. If you don’t use the full height of a cabinet or shelf, divide it vertically or use tiered storage racks to double the space.

Clear horizontal surfaces such as tables, counters, and floors. An uncluttered surface automatically makes the room look neater. Put away whatever is not used on a regular basis. Infrequently used items should be stored in harder-to-reach places such as the attic; you can hang larger items from the ceiling if you don’t have spare wall space.

Use everyday items in unusual ways. You can repurpose virtually anything to fit your storage needs and tidy up your home. Shoe organizers in particular are incredibly versatile; use them for cleaning supplies, winter gear (hats, gloves, scarves), school and office supplies, stationery, spices, odds and ends or, of course, shoes.

Use double-duty pieces. Beds with drawer space and headboard shelving, storage ottomans, tables or benches with integrated cubbies… find ways to turn necessary furniture into storage solutions. Even the bathtub can be a storage spot!
Have our storage ideas inspired you? Let us know how!