(Now, how many of you just sang that? Sorry, ’tis not the season just yet.)
I’ve decided that I’d like an all-white kitchen. Of course, this is in my dream fantasyland house that includes a full-time cleaning crew to ensure that my all-white kitchen remains in pristine, all-white condition. In the meantime, I’m just having fun checking out different ways to decorate a kitchen in white and found a whole lot of inspiration (some of which I may actually incorporate into my reality home!). Check out these gorgeous kitchens in various styles for your daily dose of beauty:
Sleek, modern, and/or minimalist:
I love the pendants and the glass cabinetry here. I think I’d also be afraid to touch anything, let alone cook in this kitchen…

Warm up the wall color, add plants, and let in lots of natural light:

Hope I’ve inspired you for today! If you have a white kitchen, please let me know if there’s hope for keeping it clean with small children in the house!