Sure, we all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep. Maybe it’s even one of your resolutions for 2017. But once you start attempting to actually do it, life tends to get in the way… sometimes sooner than others. When you search for ways to improve your sleep, you’ll get a lot of suggestions to update your bedroom and make it more conducive to a peaceful slumber.
But the holidays are over and your bank account could use some replenishing. Not the greatest time for redecorating!
Don’t give up on your dreams (pun fully intended) of restful nights and refreshed days. Your digs are due for a refresh, and this bedroom update not going to cost you money you don’t have!
Try these tips to start improving your sleep habits today.
- Purge and clean up! An overcrowded or messy bedroom can make you feel anxious and unproductive. Straighten it up, get rid of things you don’t need, and move out excess or too-large accessories and pieces of furniture for a sense of calm and tranquility in your bedroom. Make your bed, flip the mattress, and clear off your nightstand, and you may not recognize your room! (And it costs nothing!)

- Unplug it. You know that exposure to blue light from screens close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep. What you may not know is that work and exercise equipment can also drive up your restlessness level. So relocate that treadmill and your desk to another room

- Peaceful colors. Your room is a great place to showcase your personality, but not the greatest place for bright colors and distracting patterns. Paint, buy new sheets, or accessorize in soothing, calming colors.

- Light it right. Bright overhead lights are a no-no at bedtime. Place a warm reading lamp on your nightstand and turn off all other lights as you get ready for bed. (Even easier – switch out the bulbs to a warmer color and lower wattage!)

- Create a restful atmosphere. Not just visually; play soft music, circulate the air with a fan or an open window, infuse the air with soothing aromas, add a cushy rug next to the bed, and snuggle under soft covers.

- Look up. Remember the glow-in-the-dark stars you had on the ceiling of your childhood bedroom? Mom and Dad had the right idea. A low-key interesting ceiling – even just painted a soft color – gives you something relaxing to look at as you drift off.

- Make it yours. Your bedroom should be a place where you feel peaceful and safe. Decorate it with meaningful artwork, accessories, and pillows. Add depth – with texture, pattern, or even mirrors – for a cozy, secure vibe, and change up your getting-boring furniture with some awesome new hardware.

- Update your sheets. It’s not free, but it can definitely be low-cost. Find the softest sheets within your budget and feel like royalty when you slide between the crisp new linens tonight. (Not in the budget or can’t spare the time to look for a new set? Change your pillow for a new level of comfort!)

- Go natural. Add fresh flowers for color, scent, and a touch of nature to help you sleep peacefully. (And it will make your room feel just a bit like a 5-star hotel!)

Now you have your project for this weekend! Get your bedroom update underway and start sleeping better.