Home Decorating- A Habitable Art

Personalized Decorating

Decorating is a habitable art where you can convey the sense of your soul on the environment around you. Your house should be a space that truly feels like home, filled with delicate intimations of your individual personality.

Home decorThe course of personalization must start with YOU. In order to be able to make meaningful decorative decisions it’s vitally important to understand your own tastes and preferences. Such introspection can be confusing, which is why people tend to let “current styles” take over what they desire. However this will lead to a de-personalized home.  A sincere assessment of who you are, what you believe in, and what you love will result in a powerful and inspiring home.

carpet RollsArt is an overwhelmingly vast field of creativity, each form intended to make you feel something powerful. Not every piece of art will talk to you. Not every form will evoke emotion, in fact most wont. But every now and then you will see something that will light a fire in your heart, which will brighten your eyes and leave a strong impact. Something that will invoke a passion you didn’t know you had, full of ideas. This is what needs to be brought into your home. This is what defines who you are in your inner depths. These are the notes of your soul with which to fill the space with the song that is you.

Assorted FabricAs you decorate you personalized home it’s important to take some “alone time” to feel your reaction to the ambiance in each room. The personalization process is not just about the art, furniture or décor- it’s about what emerges as you create them. Concentrate on each space and get a sense for how you feel in each room.


Decorative endeavors are an artistic quest, utilizing color and décor to form designs which stir up personal emotions. The result will be a home that is an expression of your soul, so that every time you step inside, it will really feel like you are coming home.


2 thoughts on “Home Decorating- A Habitable Art”

  1. As a designer an decorator for over 23 years I could not agree more with this article. I often have clients who try to imitate friends or celebrities houses and ultimately complain that it doesn’t feel like “home”. I beautiful home will be one you enjoy and relax in. Follow the advice in this great article!

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