Fantasizing about winning the lottery? If a wine cellar tops your list of wants, check these out. We’ve found ten of the most incredible wine cellars – get ready for the green-eyed monster!
1. This beautiful waterfront property in Australia may not look like much…

…but beneath the surface is a nine-story excavation, not featuring much except a massive wine cellar:

2. A humbler offering, but still light-years away from the countertop wine rack:

3. A wine cellar door that looks like a wine barrel? It’s Wineception!

4. Floor-to-ceiling (and then some) bottles. Is this what vinos dream of?

5. If you have a silo, what else would you do with it besides turn it into an incredible spiral wine cellar?

6. Intruder? Zombie apocalypse? No problem. There’s enough wine under this floor to last you… long enough that you won’t care anymore.

7. What is it about wine cellars that makes you want to shroud them in secrecy?
8. The only thing cooler than this awesome LED wine cellar?
9. At first glance, this one’s impressive but not that cool. Then you notice the floor…
And last, but most definitely not least…
10. This jaw-dropping design is just too awesome for words.
Now that you’re thoroughly jealous, you can get a bit of that wine-enthusiast look in your home at a more affordable price with a great wine barrel vanity:
Okay, not the same, but it’s a good consolation prize.
Given unlimited funds, what would you do to your home?