Dreaming of standing under a small waterfall in some exotic location? It’s an image that’s featured on so many travel brochures, but how many of us actually get to experience the unique sensation of falling water?
Luckily for all of us who can’t get away from our freezing, mundane lives, there’s a way to inject some tropical getaway into your home every day: a waterfall faucet.
Whether it’s over a sink, a tub, or a shower, a waterfall faucet mimics the ultra-relaxing feeling of a real waterfall, with the soothing rushing-water sound to boot. And it costs a whole lot less than a luxury vacation!
Check out some of our favorites and start planning your everyday holiday:
Waterfall faucets
Turn hand-washing and teeth-brushing into a special experience.

Waterfall tub faucets
If you’d prefer to soak up the waterfall’s tranquility, set up the faucet on the tub.

Waterfall showers
Experience the true luxury of standing under a waterfall; let the sheet of water drain the stress from your body.

Incredible waterfalls
Up the spa factor with a sculptural waterfall faucet at the sink, tub, or shower.