What’s the first thing that enters your mind when you hear the phrase “wabi-sabi”?
No, not wasabi. (Wasabi!)
Wabi-sabi. It’s a Japanese concept in art that encourages the acceptance of imperfection. In our society that practically worships perfection, it’s a breath of fresh air. Embracing imperfection provides a healthy balance and helps one accept that “nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect” (Powell, Richard; Wabi Sabi Simple).
Imperfections prove that something is authentic. Haven’t you ever felt that a “perfect” person is hard to relate to until you find that weak spot that makes them human? The same applies to art, and, consequently, home decor.

Make your home modest, unassuming, and welcoming in its imperfections to make it perfect for you and your loved ones. Tell us about your home decor philosophies!