… and no, that doesn’t mean that you should carpet the floor in empty beer bottles. As true beer fanatics, Oktoberfest attendees, and home brewers know, beer is not just any beverage – it’s the result of carefully perfected scientific processes, painstakingly balanced, well thought-out, and even classy.
Of course, you can go the funny-but-bordering-on-tacky recycled-beer-can/bottle decor route:
…starting with a DIY beer-bottle-chandelier kit (created, predictably, by a company based out of Texas).
Here’s it more sophisticated cousin:
You’ve gotta drink a lot of beer to do that.
Fear not, recyclers: repurposed cans don’t have to be kitschy or cheesy. They can actually be downright beautiful:
Of course, you can simply (and less permanently) invest in better barware or an awesome ice bucket to fully appreciate your beer.
(Need a crash course on which types of beer glasses you need?)
And if you’re a true beer connoisseur (with the right funding), go all-out and splurge on an at-home brewery or bar.
Unless you’re a woman, that is. Then you may prefer something more along these lines:
Tell us about your beer preferences!