If you’re like the vast majority of people, your New Year’s resolutions included getting fit, getting healthy, getting in shape, or some variety thereof. Like all those other people, though, you’re at a pretty high risk of not following through with that resolution (unused gym membership, anyone?). Here’s an easy way to stick to it: drink more water!
Drinking enough calorie-free water helps you control your food intake, increases your metabolism, boosts energy, and aids in weight loss (dehydration can prevent you from hitting optimal fitness levels during a workout).
Stop lugging cases of water or huge bottles to refill your water cooler. (No, it doesn’t count as a workout!) However you like your water – cold, hot, filtered, even sparkling – there’s a water dispenser faucet that will get you to drink those ounces every day!
If you don’t have enough counter space or an additional faucet hole (or you just don’t like the look of a separate faucet), a filtering system on your main faucet allows you to drink right from the kitchen faucet. (Installing a filter on the main water line means that you can drink from the bathtub faucet if you’re so inclined!)

Cold water is refreshing and often more palatable. Get it from your standard faucet or a separate cold water dispenser and get drinking! With so many styles available, your water dispenser can match your kitchen faucet or blend discreetly, depending on your preferences.

A popular weight-loss tip (disclaimer: not a personal endorsement!) is to drink a cup of warm or hot water with lemon every day to aid digestion, balance pH levels, energize your body and mind, cleanse your system, and boost your immune system. A hot water dispenser makes this goal an easy one – no kettles or boiling necessary!

Love hot and cold water? You don’t need to choose a favorite; many water dispensers do both!

And if you prefer your water sparkling, there’s even a faucet for that. The Grohe Blue faucet dispenses chilled and sparkling water right in your own kitchen!

Is “get healthy” on your list for 2017?