When your house is home to Fido or Fluffy, decorating it takes on a whole new dimension. You want your home to look great but you also want it to stay that way, and fur, drool, and claws tend to wreak havoc on household surfaces. The ultimate pet-friendly home is a place where your pet feels safe and can roam without destroying his surroundings.
Here’s how you can address common pet-related issues when decorating your home:
It’s one of your pet’s most basic needs: food and water. But you don’t want kibble all over the floor or a water bowl that everyone steps in. Stow pet dishes in a special feeding niche or drawer so that it’s accessible but out of the way. A slightly raised platform ensures that you won’t step in the bowls. For easy water refills, consider a faucet above the water dish with above-counter controls.

It’s your job to keep your pet safe. Pets are naturally curious and are bound to get into things that are dangerous for them. Keep poisonous and harmful plants, foods, and cleaning supplies out of reach; secure electric cords, toilets and appliances; put small knickknacks and valuables where your pet cannot get to them.
Clean your home well. Vacuum regularly (pets shed hair, even if you don’t see it, and it can be harmful to them even if you don’t mind the fur) and use easy-clean fabrics and surfaces – walls included – to make sure the house is hygienic for you and your furry friend.