Ah, the backyard shed. It’s a necessity, but not a beauty; a place for lawn equipment and bicycles and whatever else doesn’t fit in your garage. It’s a purely functional storage space… isn’t it?
Here’s the awesome part: it doesn’t have to be. Functional, yes. Ugly? Absolutely not. A gathering of sad-looking cast-offs? No way!
If your shed is not living up to its potential, it’s time to revamp it. The backyard shed has unlimited potential for creative uses, additional space, and, yes, loads of storage. Here are some ideas to help you reinvent that shed that’s sitting vacant (or cluttered with junk) in your backyard:
Add that room you’ve always wanted.
No room in your house for your dream add-on? In the right climate (or with the right weatherproofing), your shed can become a freestanding “addition” to your home. Add that man cave (or its outdoor female counterpart, the “she shed”), an exercise room, guest room, spa, sitting room, or music room. It’s generally less expensive (and requires fewer permits) than adding to your home (factor in plumbing or HVAC if applicable).
Even if you just want to use your shed for storage, you can make it work harder and smarter for you. Organize it like any other (indoor) space; add compartments for trash cans or firewood.
Create a retreat for the kids (or the adults!). Turn your shed into a playhouse, a secluded homework spot, a teen hangout, or an adult hangout.

Set up your workspace – a studio or office (a shed office even has a name: the “shoffice”) – outdoors for inspiration and peace while you work.
Take advantage of the great outdoors; turn your shed into an open-air living space (consider adding a mini patio to keep your storage space intact).
Use the outdoor space the way it was intended to be used: create a greenhouse shed or potting shed, or top your shed with a living roof.