The thermometer may say summer, but the calendar shows that winter is creeping up. Don’t be caught off guard! Get your home ready for the winter so you’re not scrambling – or, worse, unprotected – when the weather finally catches up with the date. One biggie for homes with a fireplace or wood-burning furnace: firewood storage.
Does your firewood reside in a sad little pile with a tarp thrown over it to keep it dry? Or stacked up haphazardly in the garage, where it gathers dust and flips over every time someone bumps into it?
It’s hard to find nice pieces for firewood storage, but with a little creativity you can store your firewood in a way that’s not only practical but actually beautiful. Artfully arranged firewood can serve as a design element or even a focal point when done right.
So how do you do it right?
Here’s how:
The most obvious place for firewood storage is next to or near the fireplace, typically in the living room or bedroom, but found in the dining room, kitchen, or bathroom too. Dedicate a niche to keep your home warm, cozy, and stylish all winter long.

Though it’s convenient to put the firewood next to the fireplace, it’s not a must – especially if you’re working with an existing fireplace.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS… My sister and I were in New Orleans last week, and I had to take pity on her and explain that to pick up a guy in the South, you HAD to be able to talk college foanball–otd if you weren’t talkin’ SEC, you weren’t talking about college football. 😉