Autumn may very well be the most colorful season of all. Winter is bare and bleak, summer dominated by shades of blue and sand, and spring characterized by soft pastels. Fall assails our senses with a riot of vibrant color decorating the trees (for those of us lucky enough to live in climates with color-changing leaves).
For inspiration for September’s Color of the Month, all we had to do was look outside. The flaming fall foliage explodes with an overwhelming presence of red and orange, prompting us to turn to a combination shade – red-orange – for this month’s featured hue.
(Not an actual picture of the view from Quality Bath headquarters. Unfortunately.)
Because red-orange is made up of two strong shades, it’s best used in small amounts as an accent to neutrals or softer complementary colors. Occasionally an entirely red-orange room is called for, but a well-executed red-orange room is difficult to find. If you decide on a red-orange accent wall or floor, resist the temptation to add accessories in the same color; too much stimulation is not ideal in any room. Case in point:
Accessories, statement walls and artwork, and even pieces of furniture (not all at the same time) in red-orange are dramatic and daring, adding life – and autumn spirit – into the home.
Here are some of our favorite pictures and products featuring red-orange done right.
Perk up living and common areas – even sophisticated ones – with a burst of brightness:
The vivid hue is perfect for exteriors: