The ALS ice bucket challenge has gone viral, way beyond its creator’s wildest dreams. For those of you who live under rocks, the ice bucket challenge consists of videoing yourself getting ice water dumped over your head, then nominating three other people to do the same. If you upload your video within 24 hours of being challenged, you donate $10 to help fund research for a cure for ALS. If not, you have to donate $100.
To date, the ALS Association has received $106 million in ice bucket challenge donations. Have you been challenged? We want to see your videos!
If pouring ice water over yourself is not your cup of (iced) tea, you can get your home in on the fun with ice-inspired decor. Here are some of our favorites.
Icy light fixtures are beautiful and popular, making it easy to find the perfect one for your house:

But the deep freeze is not limited to lighting. You can find it in faucets, accessories and sinks for both kitchen and bathroom:

Freestanding accessories like bowls and (obviously) ice buckets will make any room extra cool:

And if you really want to go all-out, this custom frosted glass counter with an integrated ice trough is perfect: