April Fool’s! 9 of the World’s Weirdest Bathrooms

In the spirit of the day, we decided not to trick our customers (we don’t want to deal with the fallout!), but to entertain you with a glimpse at some of the world’s weirdest bathrooms.

Powder Room by Vick Vanlian
Gotta make for interesting reading material.
Bathroom by Tamara Eaton Design
No, that’s not creepy at all.

Well, maybe that’s only because it pales in comparison to this:

Powder Room by Saint Dizier Design
Would you want mournful disembodied heads looking at you in the bathroom? Those poor hapless guests who catch a glimpse of those staring at them in the mirror…

Maybe some cuter decor would be better.

Powder Room by Hamiltons International Limited
…or not. You think these homeowners are dog people or cat people?

How about an unusual fixture or two?

You know, in case you need to make a quick getaway after brushing your teeth.
Bathroom by WHAT_architecture
When a standard throne toilet is just not enough.

Some like to go all-out with an elaborately themed bathroom.

Bathroom by Eubank Design Concepts
Does anyone actually NOT get grossed out by rustic cabin bathrooms?
Photo credit: Anthony Lindsey Photography
We all live in a yellow submarine.

And finally:

Bathroom by Olive Juice Designs
“Hey, you know what? I love the NYC subway so much – the grime! the dirt! the creepy panhandlers! – that I just want to see it every time I go to the bathroom.”

Executed flawlessly, but… why?

Tell us about the most unusual bathroom you’ve seen!
