Time to glam up your tub! When you choose a bathtub, you agonize over the shape, the size, the material, the type – freestanding, undermount, drop-in? Whirlpool, air tub, or soaker? Slipper? Clawfoot? Acrylic, copper, stone? The choices are endless.
Ready to complicate the decision a bit more?
Okay, not really. But the bases on these tubs transform the tub from standard to stunning. Add a base to take your bathtub to the next level.
Delicate wrought iron scrollwork elevates these typical tubs:

Sculptural cattails let you soak in a nature-inspired retreat:

This modern tub is cradled in an equally modern chromium frame for simple sophistication:

While tubs raised off the floor are beautifully stately, flat-bottomed bases can be just as striking.
This sleek tub, clad in real wood paneling, lends a high-class atmosphere to any bathroom:

While these bathtub bases offer more than just a pretty appearance. With hidden drawers or cabinets, they’re storage superstars, offering space in an unusual place:

How will you elevate your tub?