Shared Spaces: How to Keep the Peace

If your home houses more than one person, chances are at least one bedroom and bathroom are shared. On one hand, shared spaces can encourage working-it-out skills and harmony; on the other, sharing can (and often does) lead to frustration and arguments.

And that doesn’t just go for kids! Though we will be focusing primarily on children’s spaces today, because, presumably, adults should be able to work it out more easily. If you’re an adult and need help with your sharing skills, most of these tips will work for you too.

Bedrooms are often shared spaces, which can result in fights and frustration in even the most laid-back, peaceful relationships. Carve out personal space for each person – even if it’s just a shelf that nobody else is allowed to touch – and insist on respect of it. This is especially important in children’s rooms; if there’s enough room, try a shelving unit atop a shared night table between the beds – it will provide defined spaces as well as storage for each child.

Bedroom by Artistic Designs for Living, Tineke Triggs

Kids Bedroom by Stonebreaker Builders & Remodelers

Kids’ Bedroom by Incorporated
Kids’ rooms can be challenging to design properly. Lay out the room so that the kids have some privacy; sometimes unusual setups like perpendicular bunk beds or toe-to-toe (or head-to-head) beds work best, depending on your children’s personalities and preferences.
Bedroom by Smith & Vansant Architects PC
Bedroom by Crisp Architects
Bedroom by Kathryn Long, ASID
Allow your children to help choose their decor, even if their choices don’t necessarily match. They’ll appreciate the freedom and the opportunity to express their individuality.
Bedroom by Allen Patterson Residential
Kids’ Bedroom by Ann Lowengart Interiors
If there’s a baby in the room, consider hanging a curtain or putting up a room divider to help everyone sleep better. If two young children are sharing and don’t need a closet, transform the closet into an age-appropriate changing station and storage space.
Nursery by House of Ruby Interior Design

Closet by YouthfulNest
In the bathroom, like the bedroom, assign personal space to prevent fights over the sink. (Who are we kidding? There will be fights anyway, even if each kid has his own sink, but designated spaces can reduce them significantly.) Try a double vanity or extra-large trough sink with multiple faucets; give each user a basket, drawer, or cabinet.
Bathroom by RemodelWest
Bathroom by Clare Gaskin

Bathroom by BDR Executive Custom Homes
Bathroom by Design Savvy
Bathroom by Upscale Construction

Bathroom by Miller Interior Design, LLC
Separate the toilet and/or shower so that more than one person can use the bathroom simultaneously. No more lines for the bathroom and banging down doors!
Bathroom by Inspirations Kitchen and Bath

Bathroom by Gristmill Builders, LTD

Bathroom by Studio Z Architecture
How many shared spaces are in your home?